Yui Sakakibara Discography

- Artist: Yui Sakakibara
- Category: Discography
Yui Sakakibara Discography
Yui Sakakibara (榊原ゆい, Sakakibara Yui?) born October 13 is a female Japanese choreographer, dancer, singer, songwriter, and voice actress from Hyōgo, Japan. She appeared on Kōhaku Uta Gassen as back ground dancer behind Ami Suzuki in 1999 and 2000.
- [2005.12.29] yuithm (Event version)
- [2006.01.27] yuithm
- [2006.09.22] HONEY
- [2007.09.21] princess
- [2008.09.10] JOKER
- [2009.08.26] Yeeeeell!
- [2010.08.25] BLOODY TUNE
- [2010.03.26] Chua Churam Vocal Collection
- [2011.08.24] Ringing
- [2012.08.29] Fractal
- [2014.08.27] Amazing
- [2015.08.26] Lofty rose
Best Albums
- [2009.07.03] LOVE×singles
- [2009.11.26] EVERGREEN
- [2010.02.03] You♡I -Sweet Tuned by 5pb.- (You♡I (ゆい) -Sweet Tuned by 5pb.-)
- [2013.01.30] LOVE×singles2
- [2013.08.28] Splash!
Concept Albums
- [2009.05.06] ~PHANTASM~ End Prophecy (PHANTASM) (character album)
- [2009.06.30] Dream Party Memorial Album (Dream Party メモリアルアルバム)
- [2011.12.21] ~PHANTASM~ Revival Prophecy (PHANTASM) (character album)
Cover Albums
- [2014.03.26] LOVE×CoverSongs
- [2015.01.28] LOVExCoverSongs 2
- [2004.08.27] jewelry days
- [2005.08.29] Kono Hanasaku Koro (此の花咲ク頃)
- [2005.09.30] Eternal Destiny
- [2006.04.14] Imitation
- [2006.10.25] Again
- [2006.10.25] Magical★Generation (マジカル★ジェネレーション)
- [2007.04.06] Far Away
- [2007.10.24] Soshite Boku wa… / RISE (そして僕は…)
- [2007.10.25] SHINING STAR
- [2008.01.25] Katayoku no Icarus (片翼のイカロス)
- [2008.04.23] Koi no Honoo (恋の炎)
- [2008.05.30] Blue eyes
- [2008.09.24] Eien no Koi (永遠の恋)
- [2008.10.29] Try Real!
- [2008.11.26] Gessei no Kanon (月聖ノ蒼炎曲)
- [2009.02.04] Tsurugi no Mai (剣の舞)
- [2009.03.25] KoIGoRoMo / Eternal Snow
- [2009.04.17] Marionette
- [2009.09.30] Déjà vu / Silky Rain
- [2009.10.21] Nyanderful! / Cross the Rainbow (にゃんだふる!)
- [2009.11.25] Komorebi no Sordino (木漏れ日のソルディーノ)
- [2009.12.18] Happy⇔Lucky X’mas♪
- [2010.02.10] Konton no Oratorio (混沌のオラトリオ)
- [2010.07.30] Let’s start now
- [2010.12.24] LOVE×Quartet 2010
- [2011.07.27] Change for you!!
- [2011.07.29] Blue mind
- [2012.02.22] Mujuuryoku Aria (無重力アリア)
- [2012.09.26] Judge of a Life
- [2014.05.14] Seiken Nante Iranai (聖剣なんていらない)
- [2015.04.24] Shoukei Lieanism
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