Sonoko Inoue Discography

- Artist: Sonoko Inoue
- Category: Discography
Sonoko Inoue Discography
Sonoko Inoue (井上苑子) is a Japanese singer-songwriter under SPACE SHOWER MUSIC.
- [2014.07.02] Senkou Hanabi (線香花火; Sparkler) (indies)
- [2015.07.01] #17
- [2010.08.04] sonority (indies)
- [2011.01.22] sonority II (indies)
- [2011.03.31] sonority III (indies)
- [2013.04.10] Sorairo Blue (ソライロブルー; Sky Blue) (indies)
- [2013.09.25] Unmeisen Believer (運命線ビリーバー; Destiny Line Believer) (indies)
- [2014.01.29] Sentimental Sixteen (センチメンタルシックスティーン) (indies)
- [2014.11.19] Akai Muffler (赤いマフラー; Red Muffler) (indies)
- [2015.11.04] Daisuki. (だいすき。; I Love You)
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