ROOKiEZ is PUNK’D Discography

- Artist: ROOKiEZ is PUNK’D
- Category: Discography
ROOKiEZ is PUNK’D is a Japanese rock group. They record label with DefSTAR Records.
- [2011.08.24] DRRROOKiEZ!! – ROOKiEZ is PUNK’D respect for DRRR!!
- [2012.07.25] From Dusk Till Dawn
Best Albums
- [2014.06.06] ANIME SONGS BEST U.S.LIMITED (Digital)
- [2010.06.02] Complication
- [2010.08.11] eggmate of the year
- [2011.03.02] Song for…
- [2011.08.24] IN MY WORLD
- [2012.03.07] ZERO SATISFACTION
- [2013.11.20] Reclimb (リクライム)
- [2014.11.19] Realize (リアライズ)
- [2015.02.28] Remind (リマインド)
- [2015.12.16] Breathing
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