Remioromen Discography

- Artist: Remioromen
- Category: Discography
Remioromen (レミオロメン), sometimes abbreviated as Remio (レミオ), is a Japanese rock band that formed in 2000. They started as a three-man band, but now usually incorporate keyboards and strings in their song arrangements. They are known for their songs “3gatsu 9ka” and “Konayuki” which were featured in the 2005 drama 1 Litre no Namida. The band is currently signed to the avex trax sub-label OORONG RECORDS and managed by OORONG-SHA.
Studio Albums
- [2003.11.19] Asagao (朝顔; Morning Glory)
- [2005.03.09] ether (ether [エーテル])
- [2006.05.17] HORIZON
- [2008.10.29] Kaze no Chroma (風のクロマ; Chroma of Wind)
- [2010.03.03] Kachoufuugetsu (花鳥風月; Beauties of Nature)
Best Albums
- [2009.03.09] Remio Best (レミオベスト)
Live Albums
- [2006.11.01] Flash and Gleam
- [2009.00.00] Remioromen SUMMER LIVE STAND BY ME
Mini Albums
- [2002.00.00] Remioromen (レミオロメン)
- [2003.03.12] Festa (フェスタ)
- [2003.05.21] Ameagari (雨上がり; After the Rain) (indie)
- [2003.08.20] Denwa (電話; Telephone)
- [2004.03.09] 3gatsu 9ka (3月9日; March 9th)
- [2004.05.19] Acacia (アカシア)
- [2005.01.12] Moratorium (モラトリアム)
- [2005.02.09] Minamikaze (南風; South Wind)
- [2005.10.12] Ao no Sekai (蒼の世界; Blue World)
- [2005.11.16] Konayuki (粉雪; Powder Snow)
- [2006.03.01] Taiyou no Shita (太陽の下; Under the Sun)
- [2007.03.14] Akanezora (茜空; Madder-Colored Sky)
- [2007.05.09] Hotaru / RUN (蛍; Firefly)
- [2007.12.12] Wonderful & Beautiful
- [2008.07.30] Motto Tooku e / Orchestra (もっと遠くへ / オーケストラ; To a Farther Distance)
- [2009.01.07] Yume no Tsubomi (夢の蕾; Flower Bud of Dreams)
- [2009.07.15] Starting Over
- [2009.11.25] Koi no Yokan Kara (恋の予感から; From Love’s Premonition)
- [2010.07.28] Tatsunda Joe (立つんだジョー; Get Up, Joe)
Other Singles
- [2007.03.05] 3gatsu 9ka / Paradigm (3月9日 / パラダイム; March 9th) (Kit Kat single)
- [2009.02.14] Sakura (Cherry Blossom) (digital single)
- [2010.02.17] Kachoufuugetsu (花鳥風月; Beauties of Nature) (digital single)
- [2011.01.19] Your Song (digital single)
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