Yui Sakakibara – ~PHANTASM~ End Prophecy [Album]
![Yui Sakakibara – ~PHANTASM~ End Prophecy [Album]](https://eimusics.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/Yui-Sakakibara-PHANTASM-End-Prophecy-300x300.jpg)
- Artist: Yui Sakakibara
- Category: Album
Download Yui Sakakibara – ~PHANTASM~ End Prophecy [Album]
- Yui Sakakibara
- ~PHANTASM~ End Prophecy
- 2009.05.06
- Mikkyou no Kubikazari (Black Mass Ver.) (密教の首飾り)
- Shokuzai no Erotica (贖罪のエロティカ)
- Zaika ni Keiyaku no Chi wo (罪過に契約の血を)
- Yami ni Hikari wo Sasumono (闇に光を灯す者)
- Haritsuke no Misa (To the distance Ver.) (磔のミサ)
- Harukanaru Idiyona (Heavy Generation Ver.) (遙かなるイディヨナ)
- Allelujah no Fukuin (Extra Solo Ver.) (アレルイヤの福音)
- Glajioul (グラジオール)
- Nagaki no Arabesque (嘆きのアラベスク)
Download Yui Sakakibara – ~PHANTASM~ End Prophecy [Album]
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